4 digital marketing tips on paid ads

The digital spend on global paid ads is over $300 billion, and here are four tips to make most of the paid ads.

Digital marketing has taken over every aspect of the business. Most businesses rely on digital marketing for a major part of their sales and productivity. Nearly every business has a digital marketing team in the present era, and marketers are much more focused on bringing the best out of their campaigns. Paid ad campaigns play a crucial role in every digital marketing strategy. 

What are paid ads? and how they help in digital marketing?

All the famous search engines like Google and Bing collect data from the user with their consent and monetize it by selling to advertising agents who can conduct effective ad campaigns by paying a certain amount. Not just Google and Bing but also social media platforms like LinkedIn,Facebook, and TikTok have started paid advertising campaigns.

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Running a paid ad is a fantastic way to propel your business and flash it in front of your target audience throughout the purchase process. The paid ads are the first stage in the customer conversion funnel. However, running a paid advertisement campaign will cost you a lot and is one of the toughest aspects. If the ad is not drafted effectivley or if it is not campaigned properly you may not even get a single lead.

For instance, say you run an ad campaign selling sunglasses with a fantastic offer. On the other hand, I have been searching for sunglasses on Google. Now Google has the information that I need sunglasses, and you have a fantastic offer running on the same, now Google will flash your paid ad on my screen

I click on your ad, and visit your website to have a look at your product. If I like them, I will buy and if I am not interested I won’t. As simple as that. For an all-looker to click on the advertisement, it has to be relatable to the user. It is where I want to provide you with some of the tips that will help you to improve you’re paid campaigns.

Digital marketing tip 1: Implement a cross-platform advertising strategy 

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This technique is called a cross-platform advertising strategy. Here an advertisement is run on Google, Facebook, Instagram providing an opportunity for businesses to deal with the target customer and customer mindset. You can try different types of paid ads that will help you to determine and advertise as per your target audience and goal.

To create a perfect demand for the services, it is crucial to run an advertisement where people are spending a major part of their time. This is where social media can help. Advertising across different platforms will help in creating the perfect branding experience and registering it on the onlooker’s mind. 

You can use Facebook ads. Facebook provides a range of local awareness ads ,retargeting messenger, and carousel ads, like ads, and options to boost your post. Since Facebook has a major fan following and a huge amount of users giving Facebook ad campaigns based on the target audience is a wise option. Be clear with your advertisement goals and draft the advertisement based on the same.

Using cross-platform advertising will improve trust in the customer and is a proven method of turning a lead into a customer. A single perfectly drafted advertisement across multiple platforms will eliminate customer confusion and maintain your business traffic fresh and help them throughout the purchase process. 

Digital marketing tip 2: Focus more on retargeting ads 

Retargeting ads are an important aspect of running and ad camping. People who have clicked your ad or visited your website have shown some interest in the product. This information is crucial. Now you have to enhance interest and convert them into a customer. This is where retargeting the ad comes into action. You have to target the customers across multiple platforms and provide the best chance at bringing the lead back and turning them into a customer. 

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Social media applications like Facebook and Instagram provide retargeting adoptions. You can also use retargeting banner ads and retargeting ads to increase the conversion rate.

Surprisingly targetting can increase the brand visibility. If you have a survey of how many companies are recognized by organic traffic the numbers will be very low. However, running an ad campaigns and targetting the customers will improve the brand recall rate. This educates the customer based on your brand and announces your presence in the digital media.

If you are looking forward to creating engagement with the customers then retargeting is a fantastic option. This permits you to connect in a meaningful way with people who have visited your website. Studies have shown that a perfect retargeting campaign will boost the visitor ratio and increase engagement over time. The retargeting ad is actually like sending a notification to an interested customer about the latest updates in the brand.

Digital marketing tip 3: revamp your landing pages for conversion 

Since now we have covered the major two parts of an ad campaign the next thing is to do with your landing pages. All these advertisements will lead the customer to a perfect landing page or a website. The content on the website should be purse faces informative and optimized with search engine optimization to make a lead into a customer.

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The landing pages should be designed based on a primary goal which is conversion. By providing the perfect content the landing pages will help you to achieve that goal. Make sure to use very easily digestible language with the perfect call to action. In this present era, most of the traffic is through mobile phones so the outlook of your landing pages should look fantastic on a mobile screen.

Digital marketing tips 4: use engaging creative and visuals 

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This is a very important tip. Having catchy creatives will increase the click rate. It is recommended to use high-quality images with clear and crisp text. You should have a perfect call to action that will persuade the onlooker to click on the advertisement. Copywriting helps when it comes to running ad camps. Initially brush up on your copywriting skills before drafting the ad copy and running an ad. 

It is crucial to add your unique selling point or offers that sets you apart from the competition. Keeping It minimal and clear is the best option when it comes to creating ad content. The ad content should have a very powerful headline to grab their attention. Make sure to pitch the offer in a perfect place where they cannot ignore it.

First and foremost you should have a clear ad goal, it can be informative,or it can be about any offer, or it can be about your presence or it can be anything. Based on this goal you have to draft the content. If it is about information make sure to pitch your unique selling point if it is an offer that you are required to present make sure to have the perfect call to action embedded in the content. 


 To sum it up 

  • Fix the advertisement goal

  • Make persuasive content for the ad

  • Select the perfect place  and target audience to advertise your business

  • Retarget the audience

  • Revamp your landing page content from time to time

The most important part of creating ad content is it should focus on the benefits of a customer or an onlooker, and possible lead avails from you. This demands a lot of experience in copywriting. Make sure to use all these four tips when you are planning to run a paid advertisement on social media or Google. Be in touch to learn more about digital marketing. 

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