5 digital marketing trends 2022

Every digital marketer must know the digital marketing trends. Here are the top 5 digital marketing trends in 2022

Digital marketing is the spine of every online business. Most offline businesses also make sure that they have a powerful digital presence. A successful digital marketing campaign can make a difference between a sustaining company and a profitable company.

In this present era, digital marketing is an crucial key to propel your business. Having a perfect digital marketing strategy involved with the latest trends in marketing will help to push your business and draft a fantastic digital marketing strategy. It will consistently feed leads into the sales pipeline. 

If you have a closer look, digital marketing is taking a different turn in 2022. The companies use multiple channels to effectively market their brand. Digital marketers around the world are becoming more innovative with their tactics to reach the target audience most effectively.

It is crucial to know where and when to build a presence and how to show up and curate it to the target audience using an effective marketing strategy. In this article, I have handpicked the top 5 digital marketing trends that are dominating the globe in 2022. 

1) One on one digital marketing with AI

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The field of digital marketing has seen a shift with artificial intelligence. Starting from content creation, to drafting a fantastic ad campaign artificial intelligence is everywhere. Take Grammarly for instance, it is an artificial intelligence-based software that effectively analyzes grammatical mistakes. It is just a simple example. Using artificial intelligence is a powerful and accessible option for a digital marketer. Rather than marketing for the masses artificial intelligence helps in one on one marketing.

Apart from one-on-one marketing, artificial intelligence is used for marketing automation. The automation aspect of the digital marketing sector is rapidly growing. It helps to reach more people and engaging new customers that aptly match their existing customer profiles efficiently. Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in email marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimization.

Studies have shown that more than finding the customers is crucial to retain them for effective growth of a company. here artificial intelligence can help effectively. By using AI one can effectively remain up to date regarding the customers and provide tailor-made personalised recommendations by implementing virtual assistants to the target customer.

You could have recently experienced multiple chatbots on different websites. Most of them are empowered by artificial intelligence. Technically speaking, artificial intelligence will propel you and keep you ahead of the competition in multiple ways.

The plus point of using artificial intelligence for marketing is it provides greater automation and a higher accuracy in attaining the target audience, effectively reduces errors, and increases a better return on investment. AI can act as a cost-saving option and enhance personalization when it comes to shopping or any form of digital activity in the digital world. It is one of the digital marketing trends that you cannot miss in 2022.

2) Personalizing digital marketing strategy according to customer behavior

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The digital marketing sector has highly personalized customer behavior. Personalization in marketing strategy will help in synchronization with multiple customer emotions. To stay ahead of the curve, it is crucial to personalize your marketing strategy.

One of the best ways to personalize your marketing strategy is to analyze the motivation behind the customer’s behavior. By doing this you can discover the best technique to increase personalization in your digital marketing strategy and make sure greater brand affinity is created. 

Knowing the importance of personalization in digital marketing is crucial. Factually speaking, personalization refers to a process of knowing the preference, interests, and needs of the target audience and prospective customers and appropriately serving them. Having personalized smart content can help to a greater extent in the personalization of a digital marketing context. 

Pro tip: Hubspot allows you to create tailor-made smart content for the audience based on the location,demographics, referral,source, and language. By using these information you can create smart content calls to action and reach text modules.

3) Create a reach using digital marketing with personalized stories

Personalization in the digital environment refers to rating the right content to the target audience based on the recent activity. And now in this present era people tend to watch a lot of videos. Having a personalized video as a part of your digital marketing strategy will be a thumbs up. Video formats are one of the most popular forms of content used among multiple age groups.

Based on the latest study, people spend more than 6 hours per week watching videos online. This period is a major boon for digital marketers , as you clearly know that it is working.

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 If you can effectively personalize your stories in the form of videos you can achieve a successful digital marketing campaign. Making a fantastic video will propel personalization in e-commerce. It will leverage greater engagement on social media to achieve the brand goals. To make a campaign viral it is crucial to have a personalized video. It will make your audience have a personal connection and share it online.

Pro tip: To have a much more personalized video or content you can try vintom, this is one of the most powerful personalization engines. It can help you in multiple products across multiple fields of digital marketing and propel sales. 

For a successful personalization in digital marketing, you should have a data-driven mindset. Maintaining clean data from a customer data platform can help you personalize your content. You can also take the help of activations and analytics and other technology solutions options to increase your personalization.

After having the right amount of data, select the right strategy. It will increase the overall online relevance. Having a common personalization strategy can help you to create tailor-made content as per the target audience requirement. You can easily separate your audience into different categories based on factors like location,gender, industry, and create content strategies and execute them effectively. Creating a perfect strategy will provide a greater personalization and appeal to a greater target audience. As a digital marketer, you should be in touch with your customers. You can also have a general poll or an overview of how the social media masses are moving. 

Case study: Recently Nike has started offering an entire set of mobile apps based on personalization. These mobile apps have a specific purpose that serves a specific audience segment. This will connect better with the customers and procure more information. The main goal of Nike team is to push toward digital transformation. This shows the importance of personalization. As per reports, Nike has increased its digital sales by 80% as of December 2020

4) Short DIY stories for longer reach

Social media is filled with multiple personalized tik toks and other videos that channel among Gen Z users. There are major developments in the digital world that impact communication with the audience. Short DIY videos have always been on the trend. Digital marketers should not miss this wonderful opportunity to create brand awareness. Most social media applications like tik tok have personalized DIY videos that reach a greater extent. Just like tik to Instagram and Facebook now provide users with multiple reel options

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Short personalized videos with fantastic quality content can never go and be noticed and will be a success for digital marketers. With a reduced attention span, it is crucial to keep the video much shorter and crisp. Another plus point of sharing a personalized video is it creates a bond with the brand.

Telling the real story is also a fantastic option for brand marketing. The general public nowadays is fed up just hearing about how the brand works and how beneficial it is. Trust me no one is going to tell bad about their brands, to outdo this mindset of the people it is always believed that telling a personalized or a real story will increase the trust in the brand.

This makes sure the promises are delivered and leaves up to the customer’s expectations. The marketing focus should shift to storytelling. Having a short real story will help to increase brand trust and reach more people and keep you ahead of the curve. Remember to make stories and customer testimonials and how the product or service is useful. 

5) NFT and crypto in social media e-commerce 

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Even if you are not a cryptocurrency enthusiast you will know that cryptocurrencies and NFT are ruling the online market. Technically speaking it may not be a trend that you can imbibe in your digital marketing strategy but you should not miss these NFT.

The NFT marketplace is booming on a greater level. Various social media platforms like Twitter has been planning to integrate cryptocurrency payments and launch display tools that can showcase NFT purchases. In ft display options or already being promoted on Facebook.

All I am trying to say is that this may be the future and more companies want to have their own NFT display options. By using this NFT and cryptocurrency trend the brands can potentially sell beyond their products and services. NFTs are sold for millions of dollars. And a lot of people are starting to collect this digital art. Most of the brands have started to create their NFT campings.

Take McDonald’s and Taco Bell for instance. They were one of the first people to create NFT’s and started selling them to their customers. Tomorrow they may also provide special discounts for people who own the end of these. So you cannot rule out the possibility that NFTs may be an integral part of digital marketing.

Conclusion on digital marketing

Most of these trends in digital marketing are expected to make a bigger reach by the end of the year. You should implement these aspects in your digital marketing strategy to make the most out of it. These aspects are hard to ignore, and provide results on a larger basis.

Starting from artificial intelligence to ending the digital NFT is taking a big revolution. It is going to be a big year for advancement in technology. With greater changes happening every day you can expect multiple updates. Make sure to be in touch with trend online to receive the latest updates on digital marketing

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