New Google Analytics: 11 new features that change everything

If you're into online data tracking and use Google Analytics, be prepared for big changes. Do you want to find out what's new in Google Analytics 4?

Great news for the new Google Analytics, the online data measurement platform that leads to the improvement of your digital marketing strategy.

That is why, if you take care of this, you will need to know these news that change everything to benefit from the advantages of this even more powerful tool.

Google Analytics 4: what is it

The new tracking software launched by the search engine giant is Google Analytics 4. The new version is part of a new generation of technology and data tracking. This is a tool focused on respecting privacy, and a rather smart resource based on machine learning.

The introduction to Google Analytics 4 is starting from July 2023, with even more analysis service. More precise and more powerful services will provide data relating to user involvement with a central focus on engagement.

Google Analytics 4: what are the changes?

If you are into data analysis you will need to know all about the changes in Google Analytics 4. To start, we can say that it will replace the popular Universal Analytics version.

It is possible that the processing of Google Analytics 360 will be extended until the first days of October 2023. This new advanced platform is designed to meet the challenges and needs of modern data analytics. 

In terms of privacy, there are great news. Learning to use it with mastery is the turning point for those involved in the measurement and control of strategies. 

The minimal interface, moreover, will make everything much more simple, because the data display will also change. 

All 11 news of Google Analytics 4

The new features and functionality of Google Analytics 4 range from the way of interpreting the data to the graphical interface of the tool. The new generation of Google Analytics 4 is oriented towards in-depth analysis and will be more precise, with a strong focus on events.

The powerful data measurement will respects the privacy of users and does not store IP addresses. How to distribute the data? A new criterion of analysis is focused on sessions and events. The simple graphics and the reduction of windows will lead to ease of use in technical terms.

In terms of data visualization, monitoring will see important new metrics. A Data Stream appears, replacing the views. Above all, instead of the bounce rate there will be the measurement of engagement. 

It will behave with the same logic of social platforms and channels. The difference with the old version is that it manages and also includes the datathat are blocked by users by refusing to accept cookies.

How? By connecting to a machine learning, a system that calculates missing data. In addition, it also simulates user interactions and behavior, as well as preferences.

Here are some new engagement and user engagement indicators that it will be possible to measure with the new Google Analytics 4: average engagement time, engaged sessions per users, average engagement time per session. The flow of data from any linked portal is uniquely identified.

What’s more, there is a new section dedicated to the creation of complex and personalized reports: explore. The new functions dedicated to e-commerce have been introduced.

How to install Google Analytics 4

To migrate to Google Analytics 4 you have to click on the administration panel, where you will notice the option to upgrade to the new version.

To start installing Google Analytics 4 and using the new platform, you will need to configure the property. The editor roles can proceed to transfer the new account. In case you are signing up for the first time, you will need to create a profile and configure its ownership in Google Analytics 4. 

Switch to Google Analytics 4

To make the switch you will need to go to the property column and select the current one. Then, you will need to click on the configuration assistant located in the first column.

Using the assistant for the configuration of the new property Google Analytics 4, the configuration will be completed automatically. After you have configured everything, you can start exploring the new Google Analytics 4.

Not to mention the page dedicated to training and assistance. This new tool is much more powerful but also revolutionary.

Carmela Maggio
Carmela Maggio
Seo Copywriter e Graphic Designer, classe 1996.Di origine lucana, laureata in Disegno Industriale, indirizzo Design della Comunicazione, tesi sulla progettazione di UI e UX, presso l'Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio” di Pescara. Dopo la laurea

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